Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ball Lightning - Inside Cover

On a certain eldritch, rainy night, lightning in the form of a sphere violently exploded into the visions of a young man. Its piercing shriek and roar overflowed with keen rebuke, as if a ghost were playing the xun1 in the ancient wilderness. As the ghost performed its night music, the ball lightning reduced the young man's parents to ashes in an instant, but left the stools upon which they had sat strangely icy.

That singular evening completely changed his fate. He devoted his entire life to solving that mystery of nature which had transformed him into an orphan. He never thought that, years later, his pure and lonely research of natural phenomena would be channeled into the national think tank program for “new weapons conception”. The ball lightning that he has pursued has changed into the ultimate weapon that will decide whether his homeland will survive or be destroyed in the next war.

When the tremendous power of nature harnessed by the ultimate weapon was released, an icy cold “blue sun” arose over the Gobi Desert in the northwest. The whole desert was flooded with its blue light, rendering the world strange and monstrous. Under the careful scrutiny of some cosmic observer, a future that nobody had ever dreamed of has befallen mankind....

1 Xun – a ceramic wind instrument of China.

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